Twin flames are two people that share the same soul frequency. The soul then incarnates in two different bodies, each living separate lives until they eventually reunite. As those two separate people share the same soul, they share a unique and profound spiritual connection that goes beyond the typical bonds of love or friendship. They are destined to come back together to achieve a sense of completeness or wholeness.
Twin flames share an intense and deep connection that transcends typical human relationships. This connection is often described as a strong feeling of recognition, love, and spiritual oneness. The connection between twin flames is intense and includes a strong emotional, mental, and spiritual bond. They often share similar past experiences and trauma. Twin flames often describe an immediate and deep connection when they meet; as if they knew each other before.
Twin flames are mirror images of each other, sharing similar traits, interests, and life experiences. They are often seen as complementary opposites, completing each other in various ways. They have a deep understanding of each other even without words.
The journey of twin flames is marked by challenges and obstacles that test their connection and help them grow spiritually and emotionally. These challenges can be seen as opportunities for personal development and self-discovery.
The Twin Flame journey is not primarily about love and romance, but about the mental, emotional and physical development of each twin individually. Twin flames often have a shared purpose or mission in life. This generally involves helping people grow and evolve in some capacity.
The ultimate goal for many twin flames is to reunite physically and spiritually. This reunion is seen as a profound and transformative event that brings a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment.
One of the twins is known as ‘the runner’, often also referred to as Divine Masculine (DM). The other is known as ‘the chaser’, also referred to as Divine Feminine (DF). These titles refer to the energy, not the physical sex of the twin. It should be noted that irrespective of the titles, EITHER of the twins can be male or female.
These titles come from Hinduism and the Divine couple – Shiva and Shakti. Shiva is the masculine energy and Shakti is the feminine energy. These two forces are permanently in an indestructible union. Shakti and Shiva are seen as inseparable, representing the interdependence of the masculine and feminine aspects of divinity. Similar to the Yin Yang in the Chinese culture. We all have both masculine and feminine energy within us, a twin flame relationship helps us unite them, creating a deeper understanding of ourselves; from our biggest strengths to our innermost insecurities.